Tuesday, August 20, 2019

I return here after more than 8 years. Sure, there were some posts in between but were pretty random.

The last meaningful post I wrote was back in 2011, titled: Focus. It was written from a 23-year-old in the second year of University, extremely enthusiastic about the future and was ready to take on the world! I like the 23-year-old me :)

I have enjoyed the past 8 years of my life both personally and career wise. I have also achieved those things which the 23-year-old me had wanted. I have had them all :)

Things however, have not been good for the past 4 months. For the first time in my life, I have been unemployed at a stretch. Apart from trying to find meaningful jobs, I have spent time upgrading myself by taking courses, reading books, working out in a bid to lose weight, and be more introspective while being aware of the surrounding.

I have a big decision to make tomorrow and I believe it will be yet another turning point of my life. The situation surrounding the decision is not perfect, but I am quite excited about it.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Like a diary


Not feeling too good. Home alone tonight. Janice Wong on Night Shift.

Can't believe I love this woman so much. Waking up didn't feel like leaving her this morning as well. Haha..

Sometimes I wonder if there's anyone else so in love with each other like us - well I think I love her more than she is to me.

I'm writing all like a 14-year-old when Im in fact 27. When it comes to love, aren't we all equal?

Anyways, past few days been hectic with house visiting over the festive season. Gained quite a bit of weight and I always tell myself I'm gonna put on sports gear and do some exercise but haven't got the discipline to do it yet. Shit.

Work wise, don't feel so good.

Bo Wei

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Revisiting this place after so long. Looking out to the great view with green scenery from my study - from Janice and my very own home.

Yes, Janice and I have moved into our new home and things are looking great. Oh, we got married last year on my birthday. How time really flies and we're now Husband and wife, in our very own home, embarking on our career and climbing up the corporate ladder.

Come June 2015 would be our 8th year together, and about 9 months since we got married. Sometimes just looking at her makes me feel thankful that I found her. We can never be apart, not even for a day or two. Last night was my first night here at our new place without her cause she's gone for night shift and I missed her like crazy.

I love my wife and for her, I'd be a better husband than I was yesterday. I finally see how fine a lady she can become with her own home and I am touched.

Love Love Love. I love her oh so much.

Bo Wei

Sunday, January 05, 2014



Mein Name ist Tang Bo Wei. Ich komme aus Singapur.

Ich habe angefangen Deutsche zu lernen.

Ich lerne gern Deutsche.

Aller Anfang ist Schwer, Aber ich Werder hart daran arbeiten.

Guten Nacht!

Bo Wei